Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Weight loss - as I went 340-199 pounds, Part 1

!±8± Weight loss - as I went 340-199 pounds, Part 1

I spent two years has lost over 140 pounds the old fashioned way: eat right and exercise. No fashions. No pills. No surgery. No machine crazy. I was 30 years old and 340 pounds. With a history of heart disease and obesity in my family, I decided it was time to get rid of those extra pounds.

Almost every day I get people who do not come for years to tell me that he saw, "Wow, look, you good!" and then the next question ... "What have you done?" That's why I wrote thisArticle.


Well, of course, as a general disclaimer to say, I need the tips I am sharing with you here just from my personal experience. I'm not an expert on health care - although in recent years I have read dozens of books and hundreds of articles on nutrition, exercise, and weight lifting. I'm not a doctor. You should, of course, seek your doctor before you intend to undertake any type of weight loss o. I firmly believe thatwith a proper diet and adequate exercise, almost everyone should be able to lose weight safely and healthy.

Tip 1 It 's all a matter of calories

First the bad news. Weight gain and loss is directly related to the amount of calories consumed against calories bound by the movement. What is a calorie?

A calorie is a unit of heat energy. In particular, the amount of heat required to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. How these relate to your body, is that if youto eat are the food molecules are broken down chemically, and this energy can be used by the body to do the job (such as muscle building, or construction of new cells) or stored (as fat). If you are one in more calories than you burn, you will start to become too dense.

Now, in the world of calories, it takes 3500 calories to equal one pound of body weight. So, if you take in an extra 3,500 calories in the diet this week without training, congratulations ... She has just won £ 1 (probablyAll body fat). The good news is that a pound of fat to remove 3500 calories from your diet or the addition of 3500 calories of exercise to your weekly schedule, or a combination of both to lose.

What is 3500 calories? It really is not much when you eat the wrong kind of food. You can consume 3500 calories in one meal, if you have two double Whopper (1010 calories per piece), a king-sized order of fries (590), eat a King size onion rings (600) and a chocolate shake ( 440).Do not laugh ... This is what I used to have dinner when my family went to Burger King ... or something equally outrageous.

So the bottom line is that if you want to lose weight, you must create a caloric deficit. This means that you burn more calories than you eat. They had to eat more calories than you burn fat too ... Now it is necessary to reduce the calories of fat. It 'so simple. To find out how many calories you're burning and you need to in sub-write.

Tip 2 Eating often throughout the day

Think of your body as a furnace. Do you want your furnace to burn fuel more efficiently. For this to happen, you need to let it burn hot and steady throughout the day.

You have to burn the fuel for the fire to keep often. Keep your metabolism running all day to eat every 3-4 hours. My personal advice: I love working hours divided by 3. This means that breakfast at 9 clock (if I'm up that early), lunchlunch, a snack at 15:00, 18:00 dinner, a snack at 9 pm, and if I have another snack at midnight.

Well, I personally work late (I have most of my "real job" in the time between 10 und 02:00 clock clock did), but if you must eat at different times, all right ... Just take the total number of calories that you'll be eating all day and they are divided up into intervals of 3 hours. Keep the fire power! If you do not eat a break at work, at every 3 hours, bring a protein bar withThem.

If you skip breakfast, you are very hungry by lunch time comes around. Skip lunch, and is much more likely to gorge themselves at dinner. Why? Your body says, "Hey, I need food badly!" If you eat frequently throughout the day, your body is not to go into shock, and you can not get this wild desire and hunger when it's time to eat.

Step 3 Start a food diary & Exercise

Do not complete this section. Ho! The first few times I've readto do this in the fitness and weight loss books, I said, "I do not have time to do it." But you know what - it really works!

I can not stress enough how important it is to write everything you eat. All it takes is a small notebook. Make four columns: what you ate, how much is eaten, how many calories were in it, what time of day and ate it. It 'so simple. Even writing an exercise or other activities that are more strenuous than sittinground.

To recognize the time, what you eat is the first step to losing weight. A lot of people do not really know how much crap they eat. When I started doing this - and write down what I ate - it really opened my eyes to the volume of junk food I was eating before. I was a slave, biscuits, chocolates, chicken wings and pizza. When I took the time to look at the fact that a wing of chicken 150 calories in it (yes, a wing) has, Iamazed. I used to eat 20 wings and 2 or 3 slices of pizza for dinner.

Now you can save this little brochure from your favorite book calorie counter. Sometimes you will also like going to the supermarket. They are of inestimable value. Once you are in the foods you eat regularly, keep track of what food you know is really very simple. You gain a better understanding of what you put into your body.

So please, please, please, take my advice and the magazineeverything you eat. It is not necessary to do this for the rest of your life ... only until you reach your goal weight. Until then, you will be able to provide a good track mind of what to eat to keep, and you are more aware of what you should eat and how much exercise you should always every week.

Although there is no need to obsess over every few calories! You can count the calories you want more details. If you trace every last stick celery, by all means But you want Sun20 directly to your calories for the next 10 or do not worry if not containing about 24 or 26 calories. In the end it makes no difference ... But if something has worked 100 or 200 calories.

The important thing ... and I can not stress enough ... is to write everything!

Tip 4 Eating the right amount of calories

We are not alone to die of hunger! In fact, the best weight loss achieved by eating right more often than youprobably used to! Let me say that again: there will be more food than you eat at this time. You'll eat better, eat more often, but on a lower caloric intake. If you're like me before, it is likely to skip breakfast. This means that when lunchtime comes around, you're starving, so you probably eat too much of the wrong type of food (including pizza, wings, Chinese, etc.) for lunch - and I'm going to fast food or take- Away bet. Then you must not eat anything new for 6-8 hours, andPackaged in a dinner show.

Now here's what happens: Your body is not always something to eat first thing in the morning, so that your metabolism is not the beginning. If your "calories burning fire" does not start in the morning, so it really does not burn calories like you. In addition, your body says, "uh, oh - not always the food that I'm better at what body fat I can, because we keep hunger." This is bad. If you do not eat enough food, often enough, your bodycan basically go into starvation mode and hang on as body fat.

The key to unlock the stored fat, good food self-sufficient food so that your body does not need to store more fat while burning a lot more movement and strength training, what you actually fat and build muscle.

There are a number of factors in the calculation of metabolic rate and all that jazz going, but it is possible, as a basic measure table, such as the usemany calories you should eat as part of your weight loss diet. Note that according to current weight and sex. Women need fewer calories than men. Also, if you're a smaller person, you need less energy than a larger person. Use this table to determine how many calories you should eat every day.


Under 130: 1000 calories

130-150: 1200 calories

151-200: 1400 calories

201-250: 1600 calories

251-300: 1800Calories

301-350: 2000 calories

351-400: 2200 calories


Under 130: 1200 calories

130-150: 1400 calories

151-200: 1600 calories

201-250: 1800 calories

251-300: 2000 calories

301-350: 2200 calories

351-400: 2400 calories

Well, here is something that is very important ... You want to make sure you have enough calories every day, otherwise your body so "hungry". We want to make sure to eat mealsat least four times a day to keep your metabolism running. If you do not eat, your body goes into starvation mode. It 'clear that there is enough food and keeping your body fat. It 'important to spread enough calories during the day so that the fire fed by. Do not think that hunger is going to lose weight. It will be the wrong kind of weight. Remember, your body will eat its own muscle tissue before the burning of fat, if it is not enoughProteins.

Tip 5 Send Yourself Boot Camp

Well, if you believe, your body and begin the process of rapid weight loss, want, here is what you will. Ignore the previous tables, and lie down in a 1000-calorie-per-day diet immediately. In addition, make sure you have at least 15 minutes on foot (or some other simple, basic, exercise) per day as well.

You can find this for exactly two weeks to make ... no more ... not less. Then you go back to eating normalAmount of calories as in the table above.

It 'would not be easy. It will not be able to eat every junk food for the first two weeks. However, you can eat a lot of good food - chicken, salad, bread, etc. will not be easy, but once through it, you'll be able to perform many calories to add to your diet again and feel normal again .. . In fact, after eating only 1,000 calories for two weeks, then you probably have a difficult time back to 2000Calories (or what should be).

That's why this works: drop your calorie intake to 1000 calories your body into shock, new eating habits. Cleaning the body of toxins (such as fat monster burger you've eaten) and some good, healthy food in you. You lose weight after the first few days before, but you can keep your energy by eating good food at regular intervals. You can stop the cravings are using water, or adda few more vegetables in it - just about as much as you want to eat green vegetables.

Tip 6 Do not think that "fat free" means "Calorie Free"

Everywhere you look, it seems that "low fat" foods in abundance. While there are some low-fat or fat-free foods you eat, you do not want to limit fat-free diet completely. There are some fats are good fats, and others, the bad fats. We're going to want to eat good fats, because they are necessary for the efficientHealth. Bad fats, but you're fat.

There are tons of fashion "no-fat" diets that have promoted the whole "low fat" mentality. What has happened? People are still going to eat fat, "fat free" foods to get. You eat fat-free cookies, fat-free chips and fat-free dairy products, but continue to gain weight. Why? Many fat-free foods have calories, almost as much as the full-fat versions.

Now you start eating "fat free" chips, is expected tosplurge ... hey, why not? They are "fat free". Well, you still have to load on the calories with fat chips. And 'the calories that make you fat. In fact, when food manufacturers remove fat, their products, often they replace fat with sugar to improve taste. Guess what '... with the addition of sugar, the calories get almost up to exit the full-fat product.

We need fat. Fat forms the lining of the cell membranes in almost every cell of our body. Your brainis composed mainly of fat. If you do not have enough to eat the right kinds of fat, the brain does not work on a proper diet. Eating too little fat can also reduce testosterone levels (just as important for women than men).

Tip 7 Know Your Fats

Saturated fats are bad for you. They are usually found in beef, milk, cheese, butter and some tropical oils. Saturated fats increase the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Avoid orMinimize saturated fats. Try low-fat meats like chicken and turkey without skin and fat to eat dairy products. Have meaning if you eat red meat to obtain the lowest fat can no longer lean.

Trans fats are saturated fats that are very bad. It is recommended to completely eliminate all foods with trans fats in them from your diet. These types of unnatural fats are produced during food production processes, such as the hydrogenation of vegetable oils. They are found mostly inPastries, sandwiches, fries, donuts, shortening and other foods like that. If the label says "trans fat" to put the product on the shelf. If the ingredients of a product saying "partially hydrogenated" anywhere - put it back. An example: margarine! And 'evil. It 'full of trans fatty acids. Avoid at all costs. Also, avoid vegetable shortening, commercial pastries, fried foods, snacks and more prepared mixes and convenience products.

Studies have shown that saturated and transFats are actually employees to do and make you want to eat more. They also have all kinds of health problems from cancer and heart disease, diabetes was associated.

Unsaturated fats, however, are usually good for you. These types of fats typically found in nuts, seeds, fish and cereals found. Monounsaturated fats, such as found in olive oil and rapeseed oil, actually protect the heart and circulatory system diseases. These are the types of fat are there in our storeDiet.

- Good Fats: almonds, avocados, cashews, flaxseed oil, olive oil, olives, peanut butter, peanuts, fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna)

- Bad Fats: butter, coconut, corn, cream cheese, half and half, bacon, mayonnaise, shortening, sour cream

Note that you need fat in the diet, but also good fats mentioned above have a good amount of calories in them - so take it easy! One tablespoon of olive oil, such as 100 calories. Almonds (which I love to munch on) have6 calories per piece. Nuts are a great, healthy, low fat snack - but be careful not to take a small handful of the whole bag!

Tip 8 Add Omega 3 fatty acids to your diet

The fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids that are not only good for you, but they are important to health. Your body can not make these fats, so you need to get from your diet completely. The fatty acids are useful for many reasons, more are needed for normal cell growth and development.

First, an omega fattyexcellent appetite suppressant. Part of the reason why people binge on "fat free", fatty foods, because it makes your stomach "tired". If you do not eat non-fat meal, your stomach tells your brain that you're full. Add some 'good fat to your meals, and you feel full with less food.

Omega fatty acids foods helps the body to release stored fat so that you can use to generate energy. To glucagon omega fatty deposits in your body to insulin ratio. If you eat sugary foods,The body uses insulin to remove excess sugar from your system. If you do this too often, insulin blocks the glucagon - which is another hormone that functions to help your body burn fat. Too much sugar = not enough = too much insulin, glucagon = burn less fat. In addition, you are at risk for diabetes. The omega fatty acids help to balance this relationship.

The omega fatty acids help increase the body's metabolic rate. This helps you burn more calories. Omega is the constructionBlocks of your cells. Their cell membranes consist of fatty acids. Since they are not created by the body, you need to get from your diet.

A special grease, omega-3 fatty acids is derived from flaxseed or flaxseed oil. This is the primary fat that we add our meals. It can be used on salads and bread to use, add to soups and yogurt. Do not cook with it, but when the heat changes the chemical properties. You can also find good dose of omega-3 in most seafood, greenLeavy vegetables, fatty fish (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel), walnuts, olive and canola oil.

Fish for dinner at least twice a week - and I do not want your beer, beaten, fried haddock, served the local pub on Friday. Select a fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel o. Bake in the oven or grilled - not fried. They have very high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in them. Add flaxseed oil to salads instead of fatty sauces. Snacks of walnuts or almonds instead of biscuits and chocolate.Do you feel full and help you to burn first to add EFAs to your diet in calories!

Tip 9 Get plenty of protein

Proteins are the building blocks for your body. You have to build too much protein for your body to repair and maintain the muscles and other tissues to eat lean. If you do not eat enough protein, your body breaks down muscle tissue, which is evil, to preserve himself. Consequently, the metabolism slows down, and do not burn body fat. Unlike fat orGlucose, there is no place in our body to store protein (except for building muscle tissue) must be a lot of your diet.

How much protein should you eat? Most people should eat more than 0.4 to 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Therefore, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should eat 80-160 grams of protein a day. It is not hard to do. Eating two eggs for breakfast and an 8 ounces of chicken for dinner, and you're right at 60 grams of proteinthere.

What type of protein should not eat? I like fish, chicken (white meat), Turkey (white meat), soy products, beans, legumes and eggs (egg whites only - yokes have a lot of fat). Soy products are a good source of protein ... Once you get used to the taste. I have completely changed from normal milk soy milk. It has all the calcium, not to mention the saturated fatty acids, and none of the cholesterol levels of normal milk (including skim milk!)

Eating fish twice a week, chicken twice a week, once Turkeya week, a vegetarian meal once a week, and then in the seventh day, go ahead and show off with pork or beef ... just take it easy. So make sure to choose lean cuts of beef. Cut the fat. Beef and veal (the meat is of marble, so that you can not just cut off) a lot of saturated fat. Beef is the worst meat for you - in contrast to other popular meats.

- Good-protein: beans (any kind), eggs (preferably white - egg yolks have a lot of fat), chicken (white meat without skin),Turkey (skinless white meat), salmon (preferably not farmed), tuna (packed in water, oil), mahi mahi, no shellfish, no soy products.

- Bad proteins: bacon, ham, sausage, beef, pork, lamb, veal.

In Part 2 of this article, are about nine other tips to lose weight to read.

Weight loss - as I went 340-199 pounds, Part 1

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

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!±8± FRYE Men's Heath Stitch Boot,Dark Brown,10 M

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Friday, September 16, 2011

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Monday, September 12, 2011

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

The delicate art of frying

!±8± The delicate art of frying

A stranger approached the Abbey, or so the story goes, and hammered on the door of the old oak tree.

Like the sound of his knock echoed through the inside and went out, he felt approaching footsteps. The old portal will open, revealing a figure in a brown gown and clutching a gnarled old hand pan.

"Are you his brother?" asked the stranger.

"No," replied the figure. "I'm the chip monaco".


Wok this wayPlease

Fry is one of the basic forms of cooking, but surprisingly, it is that goes wrong seems to be more common. Cooks who do not have any problem dealing with the creation of a wok, still make a mess of things when it comes to the humble cup.

There are generally two reasons. One is that the pan is often too hot or too cold. The other is that the food is more or less left to themselves, and either left or burns caused by cooking. So here is the number oneTip:

Fry is not a passive activity.

Slaps give something back to the pan and stirring occasionally, is not the way to go. You need to move the food to an almost continuously, just as you would when cooking in a wok.

To fry successfully - that is, without absorbing too much fat - you must cook at high temperatures. In fact, the fat should be smoking in the pan if the food goes in but it was the heat.

Two things happen. It will be aInstant sealing of foods to reduce moisture and inhibit fat absorption, the more the pan to cool slightly while maintaining a temperature of cooking.

You must do two things: reduce the oven temperature to about half of the heat in the pan - and keep the food moving. You can shake the pan, toss the food in it or simply do with a spatula. That's all there is to it. Imagine being in front with a wok dish.

This also applies toOmelets? Yes, it works. They will cook quickly and well with this method. They can also easily burn if left in such a way that takes continuous design with the mixture cooked at the center of the pan and tilt the board to present the stuff to work, must reflect the pan to the fire only when it is obvious that the kitchen is finished.

Remember to always treat food in the pan, as if it were in Boot Camp. You can take a break from time to time, but no longer than necessary to heat the cooking potin


In addition to the fries - or "chips" as the French chefs call it - almost everything fried there must be some kind of cover for protection. This is usually either pasta or bread.

Both are easy to do, but somehow made it more complicated with the passage of time and the amount of celebrity status of chefs.

In these days of bread crumbs are simple. Just buy a packet of breadcrumbs to follow one-step from the supermarket andInstructions on the package.

Too simple? Ok, once for the heck of it, find the stale bread, reduce it to crumbs in a food processor (about half a loaf should do it), is the line with a plate with a bowl of flour and eggs.

Now coat the food in flour, dip in beaten egg and coat in breadcrumbs, making sure one side to the dry and wet ingredients for another use.

If you have had enough, try it my way:)

Keep it simple

Pastais nothing more than flour, a liquid is added and the air raid was launched from sustainable. And that's all.

Do not believe me?

Sydney's famous seafood restaurant, Doyle, razor-sharp, light batter, known in fish and cooked. It consists of only three ingredients: flour, water and elbow grease.

To beat the secret to a batter as light as air as possible - this is one reason that the chilled water or soda beer work so well.They are already full of gas that remains trapped in the mixture as it expands during cooking.

There are no fixed rules on the set. Pretty simple, beat liquid into the flour to give the desired consistency. I like my batter mix to coat the back of a spoon dessert, when immersed in it and removed immediately.

To finish, dust the fish lightly with flour and pat your hands before dipping the fish into the batter. Keep the thread from one side to drain, notexcess liquid and transfer immediately into the fryer.

Too little heat spell defeat

Again, the trick really is to heat the fat before you get cooking. And I mean hot. Like, smoking hot. The higher temperature of the fryer is allowed in other words. (If you cook with an open pot and place, please be very careful about this, burning of fat are not a pretty sight).

Yes, I know there are some nice graphics' on the side of your stove will tell you what temperature to use when looking for fish,What kind of chicken and so on. Ignore them. First heat the fat, at most, then add the food, then turns the rear wheel at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer of the product.

How do you know if the food is ready? It floats on the surface of the fat. Pull it out, drain it and do it well, and remember that it will continue to cook for some time. Therefore, the chicken can be maintained until such time as the fish to be served almostimmediately.

Follow the simple guidelines above, you are using very fresh ingredients and should not be a success to success. That's really all there is to it.

The delicate art of frying

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Super foods for weight loss

!±8± Super foods for weight loss

If you are on a diet to lose weight, you must have heard of super foods. They are actually foods that are rich in important nutrients and fewer calories are responsible for removing excess fat from the body. They are so efficient that celebrities are using and how many of them weight loss diet. Overweight people should these foods, use the filling for their morning snack or something for the stomach between meals. In general, they can be divided into three categories.These are fruits, vegetables and legumes. All of them are incredibly good for your overall health and low calorie.

Some of the fruits that you can enjoy while you are losing weight, rhubarb and blueberries. They contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber to help the digestive system to function normally and does not make you feel full. Manganese is also found that among the elements that are contained in rhubarb. It helps by speeding up metabolismBody. Rhubarb is often used in puddings and fruit people associate with him, but you can also stir fry with other vegetables for a delicious dish to have.

Green tea is also among those often considered a food that is considered very good for losing weight. Although not actually considered a food, its classification is not important if the positive impact on health will be considered. The health benefits that can be drawn from green tea seem endless, andcan have a variety of fruits and vegetables to couple a smoothie, your body provides all the important nutrients it needs. It 'very satisfying and helps to increase metabolism, which is what green tea is really known.

There are also other types of super-foods you can use in your diet. You just need to do a quick search on them, are aware of the benefits that anyone can do to your body.

Super foods for weight loss

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

FRYE Men's Heath Inside Zip Boot,Black,7.5 M US

!±8± FRYE Men's Heath Inside Zip Boot,Black,7.5 M US

Brand : FRYE | Rate : | Price : $297.95
Post Date : Sep 06, 2011 18:51:05 | Usually ships in 24 hours

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

How do I get a flat stomach in 2 weeks

!±8± How do I get a flat stomach in 2 weeks

Want a flat stomach in 2 weeks?

I bet you do. Everyone does. Do you want a flat belly is something almost everyone, and it is natural to want it as quickly as possible to have. But is it realistic?

The idea of ​​people who want to have a flat stomach within 2 weeks comes from all the infomercials that sell these gadgets abs or to try. It 's all too easy prey to adjust full promise of this smart marketing experts, all too easily be tempted,through the body to promote smooth models, these machines and athletes.

However, the truth is not so simple. Get a flat tummy can take more than 2-3 weeks. The length of time depends on several factors:

1 How much fat you burn - Of course, the more excess body fat you have, the longer the process. This is expected, as all of your excess belly fat around your abs to pop out to lose. If you lose 20 pounds orEven 2 weeks is not enough. It will take more time.

2 has the style of life - of course play the actions that play an important role in determining how quickly you will be able to burn body fat. If you are active during the day, it will be easier. If you have a routine where you exercise regularly, you may lose those extra pounds faster than other people. It 'still not likely to get abs in 2 weeks flat, but the results will come faster than you think.

3 The program thatfollow - with a solid background and proven plan to follow is one of the best ways to shave weeks and months, the process time becomes flatter abs. If you follow a professional program, has 10 times more likely to succeed, and you do it faster. A lot of people try to think their way through this process, and it is wrong. Believe me. Take the steps right and you are sexy abs you've always wanted to have. It may be more than 2 weeks to get a flat stomach, but it will happenearlier than usual

How do I get a flat stomach in 2 weeks

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